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How to reach Venice

By Car

Venice can be reached by:

  • the A4 from Trieste and from Turin
  • the A13 from Bologna
  • the A27 from Belluno

The Ponte della Libertà is the only vehicle access road to Venice: it's 4 km long.
At the end of the bridge you find the Piazzale Roma and Tronchetto parking areas. To go to Tronchetto parking, remember to turn right before reaching Piazzale Roma (follow the street signs).
From Tronchetto take the boat line n. 82 to arrive to the centre of Venice.

By Train

There are two ways to come to Venice by train:
You can arrive at Mestre Rail Station, near Venice, which can easily be reached by taking the city bus or taking another train directed to Santa Lucia rail station (there is one every 10 minutes) or arrive directly at Santa Lucia rail station, in the centre of Venice.
From here you can continue on foot or by vaporetto, the public boat.

By Plane

The Venice's Airport is called Marco Polo and it's 12 km from the city; public transportation lines connect it with Venice and the rail station of Mestre

Venice is made of 120 islands connected by more than 400 bridges, and it's divided into 6 parts called "sestieri": S. Marco, Castello, Cannaregio, S. Polo, S. Croce, Dorsoduro (with Giudecca island). Lido, Murano, Burano, Torcello are all alone.
Every road of the sestiere has a noun, but the houses are indicated only with the noun of the sestiere with the number: for example, all the roads of the sestiere "S. Marco" are indicated as S. Marco 2433, and the numbers go on until the last house is reached.

Photo and text copyright by the webmaster Last update: 06 August 2006
Accesses since 06 August 2006: